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Luxshare was honored with the 'CDP 2022 Outstanding Progress Award for Environmental Disclosure Excellence.'

Luxshare had the privilege of being invited to participate in the online report release and scoring announcement event held by the global non-profit environmental organization CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) on December 20, 2022. The company was honored with the 'CDP 2022 Outstanding Progress Award for Environmental Disclosure Excellence,' recognizing its outstanding performance in environmental disclosure. Previously, Luxshare received the 'B' grade in both the 'Climate Change' and 'Water Security' assessments by CDP. The climate change score improved from a 'C' to a 'B,' and the water security score increased from 'B-' to 'B.'


CDP is an international organization based in London, dedicated to promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the protection of water and forest resources. Its scoring system is widely used in investment and procurement decisions, supporting a zero-carbon, sustainable, and vibrant economic development. CDP collects environmental information from significant global companies and provides assessments ranging from A to D- across eight levels, serving as a crucial standard for evaluating companies' environmental management and transparency. CDP collaborates with over 680 institutional investors with total assets of $130 trillion and more than 280 purchasing companies, using the power of investors and buyers to encourage companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts. In the current year, over half of the global market value from more than 18,700 companies disclosed environmental information through CDP in 2022.

Luxshare, as a responsible listed company, refers to global reporting initiative standards (GRI Standard), the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's "Guidelines for Social Responsibility of Listed Companies," and other domestic and international disclosure guidelines. The company has consecutively published sustainability reports on its official website for three years, providing a comprehensive display of the company's philosophy, significant progress, achievements, and future plans in the areas of environment, society, and governance. We proactively identify climate change risks and opportunities, continually advance low-carbon transformation, and have committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. In the year 2021 alone, we invested 10.0957 million RMB in cumulative energy-saving renovations. Our photovoltaic power generation totaled 16,246.11 MWh, with the purchase of green certificates reaching 239,651 MWh, and the acquisition of green energy attribute power at 15,296 MWh. Additionally, direct procurement of green electricity amounted to 29,300 MWh, resulting in an estimated annual reduction of 31,088.16 tons of CO2 equivalent. We emphasize water resource utilization efficiency and promote internationally leading water management practices in our facilities to reduce corporate water consumption during operational processes. Regular use of water risk assessment tools helps identify water pressure in operational locations, and tailored water-saving measures are implemented accordingly. Looking forward, the company will strengthen collaboration with international organizations such as CDP to enhance transparency in environmental areas and take more tangible and effective actions to address the shared challenges of climate change and water security.
